With Robin Marshall you get character voices, radio imaging , voice overs, voice tracking, Painting and writing!
Formerly of CD 101.9 and FRESH 102.7 both in NYC,
Robin has her own studio, where most of her National work is done.
She records a tremendous amount of radio and TV voice-overs, Imaging, Narration’s, and writes syndicated shows and copy. Depending upon the client, with her character voices she can range from being a southern bell, to a British movie star, and lots in between!
Robin is a highly regarded national voiceover talent who was transported from NYC to Dallas, Tx for an upper management position, and now resides in sunny Florida!
She has also been the voice of the Nationally syndicated shows like Randy Jackson’s Hit List (Westwood One), The Star Report (Premiere Radio Networks), as well as the creator and voice of Jayne FM.
Robin is the imaging voice for radio stations, Nationally. From Coast to Coast.
“If you would like to inquire about voice overs or radio imaging, benchmark pieces for your morning drive show, narratives or character voices, and or would like to discuss future on-air possibilities for your radio station, please write to
(BTW: Robin here! The VO in my website doesn’t stand for Vodka! 🙂 It stands for Voice Over!)
Robin Marshall Modeling
Robin Marshall is an ‘Over 50 Model.’ If you need her look, get in touch with her for Acting, Modeling or Print work!
Robin Marshall Artist!
View Robin’s Abstract Art work on her Art Work Tab. She does oils, acrylics, pour painting and free hand abstract work plus decorative pieces as well.
If interested in purchasing a piece of her work, reach out to her via email: RobinMarshallinc(at)

Do You See what I See??