There are a few things that REALLY annoy me. Spitting in public, boys wearing their pants down around their knees, young girls letting their thongs show above the pant line, people that listen with the intent of just getting their thoughts in, which means they’re not really listening, Ipods that allow ME to hear the song while the ear buds are in someone else’s ears, …jeeze…I didn’t know I had so many to list until I got started!…, wait there’s more… How ’bout texting while I’m talking to you, promising me something that will never come to fruition, people that talk out of both sides of their mouths, bullying, talking loudly on your cell while on the train and most of all- people that CRACK THEIR DAMN GUM!!!
Call me neurotic, call me what you will, but all of these things are due to a lack of respect for one another. So if you can’t chew your gum quietly, don’t SPIT it out on the sidewalk- take a piece of scrap paper wrap it up and throw it out. We don’t need to step in YOUR GARBAGE and have it STICK.