If you’re a mom, you know that when your child is hurt, scraped, or just feeling miserable… a bandaid can work wonders! It can make the pain disappear, the bleeding Stop, and the fear distance itself. PRETTY band aids, can make a tragic situation even blissful! Flowers over a boo boo? What could be better? Batman covering a cut? Instant healing power!
Even if your husband needs a bandaid, the family continues to move forward, while they may look to see what happened, make a face of disgust, or pity, they may even offer to help put it on the Dad.
But if YOU- the MOM tell your family that you need a Bandaid? The whole world STOPS! The family is now in jeopardy! OMG! MOM’S HURT! WHO is going to make me dinner! WHO is going to wash my clothes! WHO is going to offer two hands for everything and anything from this moment on??
When the MOM is injured, the family goes down like the Titanic. It’s amazing to watch. Sometimes I do it, just to see the effect! Even ‘boo boo-less’! It makes me feel important when I’m doubtful. They’re all like deer, caught in the headlights the minute I say “does anyone know where the Bandaids are?” It’s wonderful having that power.