We sometimes feel invincible. We just keep working, keep carrying, keep growing, turning around often to pull those that matter with us, when they’re not strong enough to walk on their own. We feel the need to show them, that what they’re doing is WORTH something, not a waste of time. That they MATTER. Life is Good! Mentoring is healthy. We keep building one brick at a time… and they become the mortar in between, as we do for THEIR wall! We are each other’s glue. We keep each other focused and help each other to hold on, when times are tough.
Even if we feel this strength can last forever, one day we wake up and as strong as were, is as weak as we’ve become. Overnight. It’s one brick that’s out of place, that shatters our foundation. No matter how hard we try to rebuild, sometimes we have to know how to fold.
Sometimes fate wins. Depression creeps inside our veins, and easily stays put. How to battle, and win that war is the question.
It’s holding on to your friends, and letting them hold on to YOU. It’s a win-win.
Sometimes when I remember the joy in my children’s eyes when they were little as I was coming home from a hard day’s work, I feel like that was the best times I’ve ever known. They’d grab me, hug my legs and shout ‘Daddeeee!!!’. Even the dog, Taz, would chime in and smile and lick my hands and face. I sure do miss him.
My children are all over the place now, except for the last one. Somehow, I feel like she is the one who misses the full house the most and it makes me sad. Sometimes when I happen to be home when she comes in from school or work, I greet her with a ‘Theresa!!!! and I grab her arm and sometimes bark. She smiles. But only for a moment.
Perhaps I am insensitive, but if I had to do it all over, I’d slow time down so forever I’ll feel like a King like I did when my children were small.
Hi Bob- believe it or not, I JUST NOW figured out, how to respond to people on this site! LOL! The spam is a killer, and I’m trying to figure that out too…
Try this out as well: http://cellecast.com/cuppajayne
I’m trying it out, it’s the audio version of what I write.
All the best!