First of all- who in the world do you call now adays, and get a BUSY signal?? MY MOM. I’m like, “Wha??”
I’m on my cell, walking and talking to her. I lose the signal. I call her back- BUSY signal. If I think clearly and I’m picturing her at home, with a ROTARY PHONE!
So I call her back again, and get through, she says, “I just tried to call you back!” I answered, “I KNOW Mom- I got a busy signal, OMG!” She says, “how do you want to handle that in the future?” I replied, “If ever we get disconnected, I will call YOU back, Ok?” She says, “Ok! Call me back.”
AGAIN- I’m like, “WHA???” I said, “MOM! We’re on the phone right now! I DID call you back!” Her response, was to laugh out loud and say, “Oh, haha! I get it!”
And you all wonder why I am the way I am? 😉 Apples don’t fall far…