Took one of my daughters to have an examination, Doctor said, we need to draw blood. She FREAKED! Last time, it took 4 nurses to hold her down. Dr. says, “Ok! We just need to make sure you’re not pregnant.”- my daughter looks at me as if this Dr. is out of her mind,…which I’d already considered to be the case,… and the Dr. continues with,…”we’ll just do a urine pregnancy test instead, ok Mom? Go buy one at the store, and call me with the results!” OMG- saved by the bell, was what I was thinking!
We get in the car, I say to her, “Ok…we have to go get a pregancy test.” She says, “Mom? Why do YOU have to take a pregnancy test?”
THIS is the girl she thought might be pregnant?? She is SOOO mine. 😉