My youngest came to me last year, with tears.”‘Mommy? I heard that the Easter Bunny, Toothfairy and Santa weren’t real. Is this true…sniff, sniff?”
I had to give one of em’ up to maintain credibility… Bunny? Yer OUTTA’ here!
She STILL wants the eggs hidden. I said, “WHY!?” “Why do I have to get up early in the morning to hide those #$^%^ eggs, when you know there’s no BUNNY??” (and while most of you are thinking to yourselves, ‘ummm, why not hide them the night before?’ It’s because the squirrels get to them first!) She said “Easter wouldn’t be the same without the Easter Egg hunt!” But I had ONE MORE retaliation for her, I said, “but we’re JEWISH!” She just smiled and said, “Mom, it’s tradition!”
So I sent my husband to the store to buy the eggs and the candy. It’s the day before the holiday, and he’s talking under his breath, shaking his head, telling me I’m ridiculous, blah blah…
He comes home with SPORTS Plastic Easter Eggs. What??? He buys all candy that HE likes, not candy the KIDS like, and he doesn’t even buy PEEPS! He’s trying to tell ME, the mom of FIVE, that’s been stuffing these damn eggs for 15+ years, that PEEPS won’t fit in the plastic eggs. I just looked at him, with that look, and pointed to the door. Asked him nicely to not come back until the mission was accomplished. My twenty year old is stifling a laugh, which is REALLY difficult for her, because she’s so damn loud ALL the time, and she follows him out the door, whispering, “Told ya!”
Long story short, he got more eggs, UNsports eggs, PEEPS, and stuffed those eggs with not only the peeps, but to his total amazement, candy fit in that plastic egg WITH the Peep! How ’bout that!!!
So, here I am on the air, while my kids are searching for their soccer eggs, that are,’ by God, stuffed with Peeps! I couldn’t be happier!
I guess ‘tradition’ means something after all.