I’d like to discuss NY roadways. For someone as unorganized as me… I Depend on road signs to make Sense, in order to get me where I have to go! So, there has to be some sort of consistancy in order for all these signs to have a ‘branding’ of sorts. For instance, the Northern State Pkwy and the Southern State Pkwy’s are represented like this: NO (Northern) and SO (Southern) So why the hell does the Sagtikos Pkwy (SA) which becomes the Sunken Meadow at some point, change the concept of the first two letters idea from SA, into SM? Shouldn’t it be SU, for Sunken? Why can’t the Northern State Pkwy stay that way? Why does it have to become the Grand Central Pkwy? The LIE remains the LIE everywhere? Wait. There’s more. The Wantagh and Meadowbrook Pkwys are called M and W. That’s IT! One letter each!
Even a GPS has to be confused with this nonsense! We need some kind of pattern to get us from point A to point B. Without patterns, we go whichever way the wind blows.
For more, go to my group…Jayne FM. 😉