1. You can shave your legs with shampoo! We had no soap for the first 3 days.
2. Shaving your legs in a shower stall is like being a contortionist!
3. When buying towels, cheaper is not always better. They may feel soft, but when drying yourself with that soft towel, it might be spreading the water around your body instead of aborbing that water!
4. Kids need to learn that two things happen when you come out of a shower or pool: 1. They are wet. 2. They are clean! 3. They only need ONE TOWEL per DAY!
5. If you hear birds squealing when your dog is near by, it’s normally the Dog’s Fault!
6. Don’t bring the dogs.
7. If you buy something at KMart– make sure it’s in the car, before you leave the store. I can’t find the wine glasses, which has forced me to drink from the bottle.
8. Before you throw out your TV, because the picture SUCKS- ask a kid to check it out. They can FIX things.
9. Become friends with the engineer at the radio station! Pay him WELL. 🙂
10. Ants bite.
11. Wasps drink water from your pool! They actually float on the water here??? Wasps are our friends!
12. BATS fly over your head here? Bats are NOT my friends.
13. Your parents will call you a million times, no matter how old we get. If we miss the call, and try and call them back- we will get a busy signal. WHO, besides our parents, has a BUSY signal??
Great piece, Robin. Oh and the reason why kids can fix things is they’re usually the ones breaking things!
Yup! Tru dat! In this case, it was VIDEO 1 was pressed? Can you imagine? I was at that POINT. You know… where you’ve HAD it with Everything?? I would have wheeled that 52″ TV out to the curb, and some lucky garbage person would have been in Heaven!