“The Diary of a Sugar Mom: Don’t Tell the Kids!” by Robin Marshall, chronicles one woman’s inner strength, as she journeys through the world of sex, wealth, and emotional compartmentalization in order to pay the bills, feed her family and provide for her kids’ futures.
This is a story of a strong woman who raised her children, held a full time job, and kept her “secret” from everyone! When faced with an underemployed husband and her own temporary job loss, this “Girl Next Door” discovered the world of “SUGAR DADDY.” The character DORA was a devoted wife, mother, daughter and respected professional woman… who had a SECRET. Once you start reading, it will be hard to put down!
What people are saying about The Diary of a Sugar Mom: Don’t Tell the Kids!
Lisa: “I so identified with this character!”
DFP: “A very compelling read from cover to cover.”
Sheila: “This book really made me stop and think about the boundaries I would push!” I need to look and see if there are more quotes.
JM: “HAWT!” Funny, sexy, heartbreaking, sexy, honest, sexy and can’t-put-it-down compelling. You’ll read it in one sitting.”
Edy: “The Diary of a Sugar Mom: Don’t Tell The Kids” is a brave and painfully funny perspective that takes you from ruin to rapture.”
Steven: “This book made me want more and more and I loved it.”
Don: “A great read! It is the first time I have picked up a book and didn’t put it down until I finished it. There were several spots in the book where I found myself laughing outloud.”
Anna Marie: “I love- love love the story! 10 out of 10. From the moment I started I didn’t want to put it down- for real – that doesn’t normally happen for me. FACTION is perfect- it is what real women want to say out loud but don’t and it had me thinking, what if that were true…I could do that if I was brave enough, scared enough, desperate enough, and just damn felt like it!”
CAB: “Wow Had to stop reading almost immediately So close to home But then decided to pick it back up as. One of my weaknesses is starting and not finishing. Outstanding reading. Honesty vulnerability strength and hutzpah !!!!”
D Weaver: “Ms. Marshall tells an interesting story about a life few of us live, but all of us can understand, especially if we had to put food on the table and support the family. This world of “Sugar Babies” that she describes is more pervasive than we think, yet she writes without being overly graphic, or apologetic. Strong women will like this book. I did!”
CS: “I liked the unapologetic tone that Dora took and while taking the journey, I kept thinking back to the explanation in the beginning about how this book was “Faction” and wondering if this may have been an attempt to set the record straight for the people that matter. I’d like to believe as a parent that I would be willing to blur the line between conventional methods and whatever it takes.”