In memory of my mom, Elayne.
Love to you all,
Robin Marshalls Arts: Voice and Paint
Very Vocal - Very Creative - Artistically WILD!
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In memory of my mom, Elayne.
Love to you all,
// by Robin// Leave a Comment
In the air between Dallas, Tx and Pgh, Pa. March 21.2015
One of the happiest days of my life has been dancing with my daughters! In case you missed it on FB – here we are! LOL! The greatest joy is that I know a lot of you watched (over 2500 views on FB) and laughed along with me!
Since my last chemo treatment, I'm feeling stronger every day- much more focused and happy with life. I'm here for the taking, if any of you should suffer from this illness and need a "lift!" Just put your lips together and yell, "ROBIN!!!!"
I've learned something very interesting throughout this whole ordeal; and that is, "Hope," is stronger than any drug on the market. "Will" is a close second. Chemo only helps.
So many things are changing around me… my office is moving to a different location. I've watched close to 60 people that I consider to be "family," lose their jobs. I know in our industry of radio, it's old news… but there are some things you just don't get used to, even after all these years.
I wish for all who I saw packing up their boxes and shuffling through the glass doors for the last time, nothing but success! It's so difficult to reinvent ones self at our age, and it's certainly not what we'd have planned,… but if you can do it, the place you land, will be steady ground! To change Everything that you've known how to do, and Learn to be something else- is a Major Accomplishment. Something that I'm sure, would urge our moms to say, "I'm so Proud of you!"
They are tearing down the walls as we speak; furniture is being taken out and placed into moving vans, by droves of moving men- all while my staff continues to work in the building. We are the only piece of the company that didn't really belong in this building, and yet we're probably going to be the last group to exit.
My question is: How does a 5'7" woman weighing 140 something get an 8X4 ft wooden desk that is nailed to the floor- Un-nailed and carried out of the premisis? Let's not forget the console and the boom mic are attached to that board as well! I will NOT let anyone take those pieces apart because I know God damn well I'd Never be able to put them back together! This huge piece is to go in my new home- you heard right: I'm moving out of my old workplace, into a new workplace, as is everyone else that is still employed in the building… at the same time I'm moving out of my apartment into a new home!
The REALLY CRAZY PART is… we all know this is RADIO! I'm buying a house, after renting an apartment for almost 3 years while living here in Dallas, when I could just as easily lose my job as did the rest of my friends! I think at some point, ya' have to throw caution to the wind and finally admit that you "HOPE" (there's that word again) it won't happen to you! I need a place to hang my hat (or wig) that's big enough to hold a bigger home studio and my kids, when they come to see me.
This last week, I had 4 out of 5 kids come in, and we slept all over the place! One with me, one on the couch, another on a blow up bed, another on the floor… we looked like little birds that might have been shot out of the sky and landed in all different positions. Yes, the real reason I'm getting this house is because I want my kids close and comfortable when they come, and this is a way to bribe them to come down and see me more often! "Pick out the curtains you'd like in your bedroom of your home away from home!"
All of this exactly one month following my last dose of chemo. Some might call me crazy… oh hell… EVERYONE calls me crazy!
I'm on my way to Pittsburgh again to see my mom, in yet another nursing home… this time my youngest will be meeting up with me at the Pittsburgh Airport. We will see "grandma" a few times and then have a much needed "mommy daughter night" or two! My mom's condition keeps changing and I can't seem to get a Doctor to take my calls, return them, no email- no nothin'! I'm going to see with my own eyes, just how she's doing. This time around, I'm also going to make sure that the staff understands me: "CALL ME with changes in her condition!" No more Ms. Nice-girl!
Thank you for continuing to follow my story,… know that I adore you, and if you hear on the news, a story about a woman that lost her mind in a nursing home in Pittsburgh… you'll know it was me!
Enjoy the video if you haven't seen it before! I could only snag two of my daughters to do the dance with me… but Oh..,What a blast!!!!
Just a note to let you know that I'm thinking about you. Life this year for me, has taken so many twists and turns… that at times I feel like my head is spinning!
As the end of the year approaches, and I look back, I can summarize by saying, I'm either one 'strong son of a gun,' or 'one crazy bitch' that was completely out of control! …