We are in the habit of tivo-ing our favorite shows, because none of us have time in ‘REAL TIME?’ So as of today, after watching an episode of ‘LOST’- I’m Declaring the fact- that not only is the SHOW called LOST- I TOO am TOTALLY LOST! As if it wasn’t hard enough on my husband- that I had him stop the show 15 times within 15 minutes, aksing, “Wait! WHAT?” They added SUBTITLES to the show, telling us what had gone on previosly- undoubtedly, because ALL OF US are LOST! This then was MORE of a distraction- which added Insult to Injury. Needless to say, I’m not allowed to watch TV with my husband any more.
I get lost watching LOST and I have the first four seasons on DVD. And what happened to the white polar bear? It is so hard to follow, it makes the show good. Will I be lost without LOST? Yes or No, just like most of the other viewers I am not sure. But I do like the show….