Hi! Once again, just my opinion of last night’s American Idol, showing of the top 12 guys.
I almost fell asleep through the first hour and forty minutes! The guys were not up to par- but HOLY MOLEY did I wake up when Casey James took the stage! OMG. THAT is our WINNER! I truley believe that. He’s got it all, ahem…cough, cough,… Literally! Great voice, great presence, great dimples, (sorry, off track) great smile, great interpretation, clean, contemporary, what else could America want? I know I’D go for him?? Wouldn’t YOU? Wouldn’t you want him to sing to you ever night? Let’s be real, here.
The other guy that I feel will go the distance is Andrew Garcia. I was waiting for him actually, more than Casey. A bit let down, but he can still ‘bring it!’
Again, I have no social life on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. I go through the day waiting for American Idol! LOL! And then there’s TONIGHT! The CUTS!
The truth is, it’s one of two shows, that allows my family to get together, and watch something that we all enjoy. Those moments as kids get older are far and few between. Just love it!