I mean, Come ON! We get married, we have our kids, give ourselves completely to the family, unceremoniously-selfless- for YEARS… and the ONE DAY, we can Pick and Chose what WE WANT to DO… we CAN’T! Because we still have to be selfless- and think of THEM.
Maybe the difference between you and me-? I admit it! HA!! Before I’m done writing this piece tonight, I’ll have you singing, “Hallelujah, my other Mother”- I’m tellin’ ya??
Say it with me now… “What I REALLY want tomorrow, is to have ALONE TIME!” No husband- No kids. What is so terrible about admitting that? Truth, is what allows us to grow!
Come On, girl? We have 364 OTHER days to be with our families- and enjoy them! The one day that’s called, “MOTHER’S DAY?” Hold up- It’s called Mother’s Day for a reason! It’s OURS! Ours to pick and chose what we want to do with it!
I’m as guilty as you. I’m doing what THEY want to do tomorrow. I even told them what I wanted– and they STILL got me what THEY wanted! I only wanted a book. Books are great ‘vacations’… My husband told me I’ll be thrilled with their gift. I of course, ungraciously said, “PLEASE don’t tell me you got me another appliance that I have no use for.”
I don’t know what comes over me, on Mother’s Day… I think the anticipation of the Day is worse than the Day itself! I’m ‘self sabotaging!’ You see? They succeeded! It’s not MY day tomorrow, it’s THEIRS!
OK- I admit it- I should have kept my mouth shut from the beginning! So? Maybe you’re right, for keeping quiet, … and I’m wrong. Well… we learn new things every day, and I Feel better for venting!
Have a wonderful “Family Day” tomorrow, from one Mom to another! xoxoxox
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