Almost feels like a waste of space. I do want to mention, that I’m seeing less boxes in our new home, less tumult, less tension, and more smiles! …
The Post you have been WAITING for! My List of Moving Tips!
I am now back to my ‘semi-normal’ self! (that’s as good as I get.) Here’s the things I’ve learned while moving from NY to Charlotte: …
My Son MADE it, to his day of Graduation,Lordy Lord.
Stranger than true… I wasn’t sure he’d make it out of HS! Brilliant business mind, fantastic artist, outstanding Goal keeper, but worse than I was when I was at his age with drinking, pot and lack of common sense!
So, the day is here, where I get to watch him walk up, get his diploma, shake his principal’s hand, and I can finally RELAX. Exhale!
What makes it even more surreal, is that most kids ‘go away’ to college…where WE are going away, and leaving him here, at Iona. Scholarship, Keeper for the D1 team, and we move to Charlotte. Just a bit backwards, is all.
It’s been an emotional rollercoaster ride, for sure- and I thank you all for helping with the book that he participated in! Why? It was a project that bonded he and I together throughout it all. OMG. Thank GOD for that book- I had to rope, tie and bind him to kitchen table, when he could have been out partying with his friends! So maybe, just maybe on one of those days, we saved his life…or … Kept him out of jail!!! LOL!
He came home from Prom last night, (3 days of hanging on the Jersey Shore) and by the way, when we were growing up, didn’t we call it ‘THE PROM?’ Anyway, he came home to find all furniture gone, no running water in the kitchen, since the fridge was sold, …imagine partying for 3 days, and coming home to the Twilite Zone!
My Dad has called me 85 times already. Former talk show host from KDKA– still has the voice at 84 years old, and he’s NERVOUS for me to make the trip with my kids. How many times can I change up the story, and let him know I’ll be FINE?
When do our parents stop telling us what to do?? As a result- and as only something that I would do- I’ve told the people at CBS that I’m still gonna’ do “Chat About It,” on Monday night- even though I’m traveling, 7pm, and THIS week’s show- will be done from my hotel room, and the guests will be MY DAD, LOL… Ed Salamon, (Former WHN), Jerry Boulding (All Access)… I will not get a word in edgewise, I’m sure, 2 out of the three wrote in the book, but I’ll be so exhausted by then, that I’ll WELCOME their chatter! In case you’d like to tune in,:
So here comes the hardest part for me! I have to Pack up my Computer, Studio, and pray to GOD that I remember what gets plugged WHERE! OMG. I need a built in engineer- someone to be with me 24/7 for the rest of my life, who knows how to FIX things! Is that a lot to ask???
See ya’ on the other side!
World Cup-s-
Moving is like Grief. It comes in Stages
While they might be different, they’re Still able to be labeled!
1. DISBELIEF- “No ‘f-#%%^-ing’ way, am I doing this.” “20 years worth of shit? In those boxes, who’s gonna’ put it there??”
2. PARENTAL OBLIGATION- The kids will NEVER agree to it. Nope? No way.
3. JOB LOSS- “ok, Missy- just how do you expect us to make a living?” “You want me to do WHAT?”
4. THE REALTOR- This is the person, that we all wonder about. “Is he in it for Me? Or is he REALLY only in it for HIM/HER? We have internal conversations with ourselves about this all the time, like: “sure, he tells me to knock off $10,000 when it really only takes off $200 of his commission!” CAN WE TRUST THEM TO DO THE RIGHT JOB?
5. WHERE TO GO: Here’s where we make ourselves Crazy. We have an entire world to explore, and yet we still feel ‘stuck’ in our own backyard. We explore, but we’re still in Denial stage, so we go nowhere FAST! …