Is there any way, any way at all to avoid the pain of betrayal? How can we know someone SO well, and then find out they’re actually sociopathic? How can people disguise themselves that decorativley?
I consider myself to be a bright, intuitive, and nurturing woman who will reach out and do the right thing by others. I s this what they mean by ‘bad things happen to good people?’
I’ve know this person for years, considered him to be a ‘best friend’ and just recently found out that 90% of what he’s told me, has all been lies. I believe he is so far gone, that he believes his own lies.
It just shows, no matter your age, you can always get ‘duped!’ It’s hard to pick up these pieces though. I’m a natural ‘truster!’ I now have to wipe off my rose colored glasses and dust off my behind while putting one foot in front of the other again.