- Losing your job in radio, Today? It’s not your fault.
I’ve seen so many of my friends lose their jobs over the last year, me included, and the one thing I hope they understand, is that it’s really not their faults. To throw talent away, because of budget cuts, is more hurtful than in any other industry. Artists take things more to heart. They have trouble separating business from their ‘talent’.
I’m a business woman and an artist, but really, I’ve felt, one of the few that knows how to handle it, and yet even I lost my footing with the simple ‘format flip’ at CD101.9. As strong as I am in ‘business sense’, and as logical an explanation as a format flip, being the reason I was let go… I STILL took it personally! It’s tough!
I’m writing this to all of you that might lose your jobs soon. You are so worthwhile, so talented, and so a part of your listeners’ world. Don’t let the world’s crisis rest on your shoulders if and when you lose your job. It’s the economy. NOT your lack of talent, my friend. You wouldn’t have had the job in the first place, if not for your wonderful talent!
Remember that.
Now it’s time to start thinking ‘outside the box.’ No, we can’t all be rebels, but we’re all smart and there’s all kinds of alternative thinking amongst us. “Put your thinking caps on”, as my mom used to say to me! Really! Now THAT scares the shit out of me! When I start sounding like my mom?? Forget losing my job! THIS is a true issue, when you start to sound like your parent.