I highly suggest you do this yourself! It’s a True Wake-up Call! It’s all about finding ’25 things that MATTER to you.’ These are mine, and I’d LOVE to know 25 things about you!
This was one of those, Facebook ‘thingamajiggers’ that I did 3 years ago, and looking back, almost nothing has changed! It’s like burying a space capsule, and going back years later to find out, you’re still the same person Inside, even though you may have changed on the Outside!
Start thinking about YOUR 25 important things too! Jot em’ down so you don’t forget! Then click reply and send to me. I’ll be waiting!
1. I’m not organized enough to remember 25 things to tell you. Thank Goodness that takes care of ONE of the 25!
2. I’m too honest. It tends to get me trouble because I think everyone’s just like me.
3. I just recently realized why I had 5 kids. I always need something to be passionate about.
4. Regarding number 3? I don’t know what I could have been thinking.
5. I work entirely too much. I should be very wealthy for the amount of time I put in, but a lot of it, is just, ’cause I believe, and don’t expect.
6. When I have a friend that I consider to be ‘close,’ there’s nothing I won’t do to keep them where they want to be.
7. Things I respect the most in others, are clarity, integrity and sincerity.
8. I used to be a master at understanding people and knowing if they were real. Lately, I’m slipping, or they’ve gotten better disguises. I’m not sure…
9. I will teach classes on ‘how to make a difference,’ for free. I feel, if I can show ONE person the magic of cutting through, it’s all worth it.
10. I need to feel luxurious, without expensive things.
11. It doesn’t take a lot to make me happy. A look, a kiss, a hug can sustain me for a few days!
12. I’m half way through the list, and so far, it wasn’t that hard! It shows, once I get started, I’m OK.
13. I’m a writer first, a performer second, but I’m lucky that I get to do both.
14. Being on the air, is not what’s important to me. It’s what I’m able to say freely, that’s compelling while on the air, that matters.
15. My show, Jayne FM, was not about ego. If someone else had written it, and aired it, I’d still be pushing it. It’s about ‘change.’ I believed radio needed to ‘change.’ Since then, a lot More people realized it needed to change too! I had to put the show to bed for a while, while the rest of the world caught up!
16. I sometimes wonder why, I chose to use the name Jayne, when Jayne is really what Robin is. Was I hiding? And from who?
17. I still suffer from “cheerleader syndrome.” Those girls did a number on me in middle school, and I wonder if most women are already over it, or if they take it out on other women in other ways.
18. Almost everything I’ve accomplished, has been done in an unconventional way. What’s scary is, I don’t even TRY to do it the normal way first.
19. Regarding number 18….I think that goes back to not having faith in most of those around me.
20. Once I have the faith, I’m yours forever!
21. I love jewel tones. Hahah! If you’re a guy, you won’t know what I’m talking about! I’d love to teach you though?
22. I was a rock n’ roll singer for 15 years, and then I just stopped. It was my passion. I still don’t know how I just ’stopped.’ There’s more to it, that I keep procrastinatin2lvg on, as to why I let that happen.
23. When someone reaches out to you, via phone, text, email…whatever they want will be the third thing they say. 1.”Hi Robin, how are you!” 2. “How’s your family?” 3.”So anyway…what I need is….”
24. If I ask you how you are? I really want to know.
25. If you read this whole note, you are someone that I’d really like to know about too. Fair is fair.
You came up in the margin on F.B. and I saw that we had many ‘friends’ in common. When I went to your page to see who you were, I discovered that you’re a fellow Pittsburgher. I also noticed that many of the things on your list are, in my opinion, the result of being raised in Pittsburgh. You can leave, but it never, quite, leaves you (lol)…
Loved it! Oh and jewel tones??? Help a guy out… ; )
Jewel Tones are vivid Primary colors, like purple, jade, royal blue, fusia… 😉 My favorite colors! Not to feel badly, most men Don’t know!
You are SOOooo Right! You can take the girl outta’ Pgh… but can never take the Pgh, outta’ the girl…is what I’ve been saying forever!
Even being on air in NYC for almost 30 years, I STILL call Pgh, ‘Home.’