I took three of my girls shopping. My 16 year old is standing by the dressing room wearing a shirt she wants me to see. It’s a tight fitting shirt, and she still has on her baggy sweatpants. I tell her, go over there, (to the left) pull down the pants, so I can see how the shirt really will look! She steps to the left, pulls down her pants and out walks a Man from the Men’s Dressing room! She stands there and without missing a beat, with her pants down around her ankles, she says, “uhh… and that would be the Mens dressing room you sent me to?”
I’m telling you I almost peed in my pants! I was laughing so hard, I was doubled over. BIG SIGN above Both our heads that reads, ” MENS DRESSING ROOM.” ‘Apples surely don’t fall far’… Hahahah!
Next event: I’m in one dressing room, my 13 year old is in another. She knocks on my door to show me the pants she’s tried on. I open my door, and there we are wearing the same damn pants! Another ‘apple from the same tree…’
The last kid aged 12, brings $3.00 with her to go shopping, AND she was aggravated when she didn’t get CHANGE back!
These are the same girls, who I dropped off at Mandys, and when I went to pick them up later, they were all posing as mannequins in the front window! What A TREAT to be the Mom! 😉