Consider your luck to have just CHANGED- over night!
They’ve either had someone hack into their system, or there must be some nasty virus squiggling it’s way through the channels of their server, because we, my good buddies- are SHUT DOWN. I know MY personal site, blog, video page, etc- is locked up tight! How ’bout yours??
This morning I went to visit,… and ‘poof!’ It was Gones-ville! HOLY TOLEDO!
Of course our first reaction is to ALWAYS blame our web guy– the gurus that they like to be known as….right?
So we call- and get NO Answer?? Next step is, we believe they’re Avoiding us? THE NERVE! But we get smarter, as the panic sets in, and we sign on to SKPE, but as invisible! Just to see if he’s there- and there he sits!
The man that avoided our call- is sitting there on SKYPE! What the??
So we unblock the invisible screen, so he knows- we know, he’s there- and we call again. This time, he answers! Paleeze…the Steps we need to go through… 😉
Turns out, it’s not his fault.
First thing we feel is GUILT! That’s not good! NEVER associate Guilt with your Web Guy, cause he’ll use it against you in the future!
Finally, he tells us the real deal, which is something, if you’re anything like me, you just didn’t want to know. It goes like this:
“Robin, there are over 200,000 people just like you and ME, that are sitting in the same situation. T35 was hacked into, or they’ve gotten a virus, that is so bad, that they’ve shut the entire server down.”
Now, I heard what he said, but what Registered in my brain was, “OK- so NOW WHAT?”
He then tries the thechnical tact again- where I quickly stopped him, and I feel my ‘NYC blood’ comin’ out- and I say, “NO- I mean, How long till YOU CAN FIX THIS!”
Dead silence on the other end- he says, “24 hours.”
I don’t care if he lied, …if he bought time,… he just bought me my sanity back for a short while. He then added the icing on MY cake, by saying, “No worries, I have everything backed up.”
NOW- I can go to work like a Sane woman. Might need to touch up the roots a bit..
I also thought I’d leave you with This… just some stuff to think about…
It’s now 12:30 EST- and ya’ have to give credit where credit is due: Either T35 got it together, or my WEB GUY holds a LOTTA’ WEIGHT! My site’s back up! Yippee!!
Funny post – I wish more clients/accounts had humor like this. HOWEVER, with a bit of defense this stuff happens all the time. The internet is NOT perfect nor will it be. And servers get hacked, update programs, applications etc all the time. Many times a server will have to shut down for a number of reasons. When stuff like this happens my land line, cell, Skype, IM, and email box gets hammered. Many times we can not return the “panics” cause we are trying to find out what happened ourselves. Once we know the problem, then and only then can we pass that info to our pulling-out-hair accounts.