As long as I’ve been pushing my Jayne FM Brand, which is about 5 years now, my Dad continues to say one thing to me, and that is, “WHY can’t you just be like JOHN TESH? He’s got HUNDREDS of stations! Why don’t YOU? And I LIKE John TESH!”
How do you answer that question, to someone that was a talk show host for 25 years on KDKA, a Top 40 DJ at WEEP, and others for another 20 years, and is now 84 years old? If you’re from Pittsburgh, you’d recognize his name. He was on the air as Perry Marshall… but you’d think he of all people would GET IT. So I have to patiently anwer and say, “Dad? These things take time!” Of course his next question is, “Yeah… but are ya makin’ any money at this Jayne thing?” This is now where I begin to look for that little noose to hang myself, … you know the deal… but here comes the good part. Ready?
My buddy is the main guy with John Tesh, he’s the one that grabs all the stations up, and he IM’s me while he’s on tour, with John, saying he’s in Pittsburgh, my home town. I say to him, “OH! Let me ask my Dad if he wants to go to John’s show! He’d be thrilled!” My buddy of course says, “No problem, let him know, he’ll get him good seats.”
I call my Dad, excited to tell him, I say, “DAD!!! Guess what! John Tesh is performing in town and I can get you tix!” He says, “What do you mean he’s performing? What does he do?” Picture the silence. DEAD AIR, as I’m thinking to myself, “this man has been hahkin’ me to be more like John Tesh for six years, and now he says, ‘what does he do’???'”
I said, “Dad? He plays the piano,… sings…? He said, “He does? Well, I can just turn on the radio to hear him, so I don’t see why I have to leave my house to hear him.”
THIS is what I had to go back to my buddy with. The buddy that I bragged to about how much my Dad loves John. Ugh!
Bob Perry
There are so many John Teshes! While I am not a daily listener to his “Show Prep For Your Life” and don’t own any of his albums…I did like him on Entertainment Tonight with Mary Hart.
Roger W. Morgan
Robin…we worked for 6 years to get our Rock N’ Roll Rewind affiliate list to over 250 stations, worldwide, and distributed each week by mail on CD. We’re proud to have you as a part of our team here in the Caribbean with your Jayne brand. Send good wishes to your dad. I remember him well! …and LISTEN to him. If John Tesh can do that well by doing NOTHING…just think where you’ll be with all you have going for you!