Listen. Not ONE of us knows, if we’re gonna have jobs tomorrow. It’s just become ‘the nature of the radio beast.’ Not our faults. In the meantime, if someone can make you smile, or make you laugh, Take ADVANTAGE of it! It’s what I do, and it makes me feel good! Grab hold, join my 2 Facebook groups and ride the wave with me! One, Jayne FM… you get to be the listener… Two, Disc Jockey’s Nightmare…you get to tell the story and read others’ radio nightmare stories! You will FOR SURE, be smiling by the time you sign off! Pinkie Swear. 😉
You are my buds! I’d never mislead you. Have fun and forget the rest of the world for a minute. You deserve it. Just a little break….
You are my buds! I’d never mislead you. Have fun and forget the rest of the world for a minute. You deserve it. Just a little break….
Jayne FM
Disc Jockey’s Nightmare
(both on Facebook)
Onanie]sehnsuchts geschlechts szene[/url]: fredrik ljungberg bald ck pics
emm… cognitively :))