I didn’t know. I had a brand new show, I was so excited that I even got picked up by a syndicator! I trusted them with my baby. I called her “Jayne.” They told me, the normal time for success, was 6 months for the first station to come on board, when lo and behold 2 weeks later- they called me and said, “We Got ONE!” I was so thrilled! The station was in Atlanta, which was a great Flagship for me.
The Program Director began to call me, tell me about the station, and mentioned that he was coming to NYC for a visit. He asked if I’d like to meet up, being that I’m on the air here, in NYC. I’m a ‘people person!’ Of COURSE I’d say ‘yes!’
We met, he wined and dined me… told me he had an apartment here in the city, took me there. Let me explain, I don’t normally go to strange men’s apartments with them, but he was half my size, and gay. I didn’t feel I’d be threatened physically or sexually. His apartment to my utter SHOCK was at 42st and Bdwy. It was the most elegant and luxurious condo with a balcony overlooking Time Square!
He then told me he was purchasing a radio station here in NYC and wanted my format for the station. We met with photographers, producers, looked at vacant buildings, did all the due dilegence. I brought my syndicators in, by phone to let them know what this had evolved into.
He flew my partner in from Fla, offered him an apartment just like his, if he’d program the station. He took us back to Long Island by limo…and then?
He disappeared.
We discovered from outside sources that he was wanted in other states for similar actions. You’re asking, “What actions?” He used other people’s credit cards for all. The apartment was signed for through some unfortunate soul’s account, the dinners, the photographer, all bad checks, and on and on. I was very fortunate, that I never left my purse unattended, because I’m sure that WAS his intent.
My syndicator refused to take this to the press. They were embarrassed by what had happened. I was extremely upset, that they swept this under the rug, because if it could happen to US- and we’d found out that it had happened to others as well- how can we sit back and let this man do it again??
We parted ways. Still friends, but just looked at it differently.
It’s three years later, and today one of my friends from that syndicator wrote me, saying, “He’s BACK.”
They had never met him, didn’t know what he looked like, and don’t you know…he got them AGAIN. Stole an entire collection of Hard Disc imaging.
Was there a lesson learned here?
I am including a link with his photograph in this piece, so that any of you that might be in the radio industry, can be on the lookout for him. He has a court date on Thurs. Do you think he’ll show up? NOT.