…and if you know me well enough you know, it would never be one that would make you uncomfortable or feel ‘put out.’
You also know my CRAZY side by now! You know that I love to write, because you read my funny episodes of daily living in my posts. You know that I can be two people at the same time, Jayne and Robin! Now, that’s quite an ART! LOL!
As a result of your encouragement over the last year on FB, I decided to really follow through with what I love doing the most! I’ve started both a Blog and a Podcast.
My favor, that I’m asking of each and every one of you, is to just try them. Subscribe to them. I promise you, I’ll keep you entertained, and I’ll only upload at the most, once per day. If you don’t like them, just “unsubscribe” and my feelings will not be hurt. Pinkie Swear!
Like many of you, I am at the mercy of the radio biz- and I want to be able to say, “I made my own way.” I just can’t do it, without a following of people who care. I know how much I care about YOU.
I really do! I’ve never met a group of people like this before, all in one place! I truly value your opinions, and want to know if you think I’m on to something.
Here’s the links:
Podcast: http://CuppaJayne.posterous.com
Blog: http://robinmarshallvo.com/Radio-imaging-artists
I adore you, and if ever there’s any favor in return that I can do for you? Don’t hesitate to ask.