Those of us that have multiple kids, at one point or another find ourselves PRAYING that the older ones will keep their little Mouths SHUT- if they ever decide to stop believing in the big guy in the red suit. Let the younger ones still dream of reindeer on the roof… although the fact that we’ve added to the anxiety levels in younger kids, is TERRIBLE! That threat of ‘naughty or nice’ is enough to send any youngster over the edge!
Those of us that have multiple kids, at one point or another find ourselves PRAYING that the older ones will keep their little Mouths SHUT- if they ever decide to stop believing in the big guy in the red suit. Let the younger ones still dream of reindeer on the roof… although the fact that we’ve added to the anxiety levels in younger kids, is TERRIBLE! That threat of ‘naughty or nice’ is enough to send any youngster over the edge!
If and When that ‘little one’ Stops believing… don’t know about you, but I’ve done the craziest things to keep the dream alive! One came home saying their best friend’s mom, insisted their was no Santa! My response was, “Honey, you have to feel SORRY for that MOM! Look at what she’s been MISSING!” My daughter’s head knodding in agreement all the while… We DO what we gotta’ Do.
This might explain what I’m trying to say, a little bit better…
makes me want to drink alchoholic beverages