You have GOT to be kidding me. Tim Urban Stayed?? Tyler Grady gone?? The whole point of his ‘staying power’ was that he stay in that role! The judges did him a disservice by knocking that. America was too gullible and listened. Jermaine Sellers? Can’t wait to see what ‘attitudinal things’ come out of his mouth as we move forward. He STILL rolls his eyes, (which is something every mom can NOT become immune to).
Love the fact that America agreed with me, and kept Haeley Vaughn on board. Watch and see… I bet she goes far! Lucy Brown? She didn’t sing ONE NOTE in tune. Maybe America likes her eyes?
I loved seeing Allison Iraheta perform though! She’s adorable, and has that great rasp to her voice. Kris Allen also did us proud, especially with his involvment with ‘America gives back.’ I was so thrilled that America got it right last year with him. My thoughts last year, which of course I made public, (to know me is to love me,) but I kept saying to friends, and Facebook people, “would you seriously want Adam Lambert to be an idol that your children look up to?” Not meaning that he’s not a great talent, but his bold, and at times outrageousness, makes me nervous. I wouldn’t have wanted MY kids, emulating him. Kris- YES! David Archuleta? YES.

Let’s see if America gets over their apparent ‘shell-shock- next week, and begins to think before they vote!