I was thinking… in our corporate worlds, which include, business and politics, I’ve always thought it best to tell the truth in any situation. Truth is something most would rather have. To be lied to, and then to find out after the fact, makes us feel foolish and betrayed.
I think I need to revise my thoughts, and here’s why. I’m not sure any more, that most can HANDLE the truth. In this day and age, people have been through so many wringers, that they can’t take any more, ‘truths.’ If there’s bad news, this is the time to keep it to yourself if possible. Give people a chance to recover, before they get hit over the head again.
Political and Religious leaders, should without a doubt tell the truth at anyone’s expense. It’s their duty. The rest of us need to ‘hold our tongues’ when needed. It’s an ‘art’ to be able to spare each other’s feelings, and still offer truth. It’s called being NICE.