Sometimes we get So wrapped up in the holiday craziness- that we forget it’s truly about Family and our kids. I’m just as guilty as the next one, rushing, working, cooking, cleaning, wrapping, looking for my own personal Elf to help out!
I fell upon this audio, and immediately stopped dead in my tracks. It’s a gentle reminder of what our focus is supposed to be about. Our Kids. Without them, this holiday would be less joyous!
We all have our religious views and thoughts, but the bottom line is, when we see our kids look up at that twinkling tree, or open that present that Santa carefully wrapped, or rush to the table in the morning to see if he DID drink his milk and eat those cookies…it’s that look of ‘wonderment’ that brings the tears to our eyes.
So, having said this, please listen to these little children that I fell in love with, and remember- it’s up to Us to keep the dream alive for as long as we can. Years from now, your children will be thankful that you ‘paid it forward,’ because they’ll do the same for Their children. 🙂 Pinkie Swear.