We DID. All those that wrote in the book- “Is This Thing ON?” – every story you contributed that made it into this best selling book, paid for 3 year old Michael from Deer Park, Long Island, and his family to take a last trip to Disney World. It is his last and most wanted ‘wish.’
I received the letter on Friday, from Make a Wish, and it was truly humbling. Even better, was the fact that my son was with me when it arrived. He spent so many hours creating all the pictures that went with your stories, and being all of 18 years old, he knew he was doing it for this charity, but I’m sure it didn’t come to life, until we received this notification.
He saw with his own eyes, this dying child’s name and address, with a “thank you, for making my dream come true,” letter. We were both choked up, while reading it, and feel You too, deserve as much credit.
This whole book idea, was a last minute, ‘Robin-ism’ that my son really had no choice in the matter! It was more like, “Dylan, you won’t have to clean your room for the rest of your senior year, if you’ll draw me some pictures- and by the way, we’re giving the money, if we sell a book– to the Make A Wish Foundation!” Like he had ANY chance to say “NO!”
Lucky for us he didn’t! Lucky for me I had YOUto share stories of your worst on air nightmares! I was just thrilled to know, that I wasn’t the only ONE that suffered from ‘Disc Jockey’s Nightmare!’ Hahaha!
Bottom line is, it was a win-win for all involved! I’ve heard so many great success stories from many who have written in this book, things like finally landing the job they’d been waiting for, and other Karma related situations, blossoming at the last minute…
I don’t know… maybe I’m reaching, … maybe I’m not. I just know, it became a best seller via http://BarnesandNoble.com, it paid for a little boy’s dream vacation, it might have landed you that job you wanted, it got every-one’s name out there, I went to the NAB because of the success of this book-because I was proud of it, and while there in DC, I met the man that hired me for full time radio in Charlotte. My son wound up transferring schools- mid semester and is now with a D1 Soccer team as their Keeper while studying Graphic Design, and he’s already gotten work, due to people seeing the designs in the book!
This is what I mean, when I say, “win-win.” We all seemed to prosper, including littel Michael, who gets to go to see Mickey. 🙂
I’m including a YouTube video in this note, in case you’d like to purchase the book, if you haven’t yet. Although I kept it very generic, and made no mention of Make A Wish, we will once again give 50% of all profits to them. I’d love for you to be a part of the ‘magic’ we made.
Thank you all for participating, and I hope it did for you, what it did for me.