I’m on the air, like …right now! I get a phone call from her, asking if I can go out and buy her a new hair straightener. I said, “I’m on the air!” She says, “well, can’t you go out in between songs?”
People wonder why I’m half nuts.
Robin Marshalls Arts: Voice and Paint
Very Vocal - Very Creative - Artistically WILD!
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I’m on the air, like …right now! I get a phone call from her, asking if I can go out and buy her a new hair straightener. I said, “I’m on the air!” She says, “well, can’t you go out in between songs?”
People wonder why I’m half nuts.
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If you’re a jock, you’ll totally get this note.
I’ve been on the air in NYC for 25 years, and NEVER have I not shown up for a shift either on purpose, OR by accident. Two weeks ago, …I missed a shift. Just didn’t have it written on my calendar for some reason! You know that sick feeling? Like… ‘oh shit, I just lost my gig,’ ….over something STUPID!
So, as it turns out, not even a slap on the wrist. They were great, totally understood it was my screw up, but knew it made no sense to beat me up over it, since I was already beating myself up badly enough. Of course, then our infamous “Disc Jockey’s Nightmare” begins… we ALL know that dream! LOL! Station doors locked, buttons won’t work, etc..
Have I mentioned that I’m a HUGE believer in Karma, and that things always go full circle?
I was scheduled to be on the air today, 11-3 at Fresh, and last night of course being Halloween, I was out late with the kids, went to a haunted neighborhood…not even a haunted HOUSE. We had to go to an entire friggin’ haunted neighborhood, where monsters come up to your car and try and drag you out? I was so damn cocky. Had my door locked, pointing and laughing… not realizing my husband unlocked my door, and this ogre comes running up to the window and grabs the handle of my door, whips it open and grabs me by the arm. I swear to GOD, I thought I was gonna have a heart attack!!! Could have KILLED my husband.
So going home, I’m feeling Lucky, because,( and here’s where I grab you jocks,)… because I’m thinking to myself, “I can sleep in, not on the air till 11, AND it’s only a FOUR HOUR SHIFT!!! YEAH!!!” Now, I’m still trying to calm myself down from the Halloween happenings, and I’m MAD at myself at the same time for eating not only the forbidden CANDY, but someone was actually giving out cupcakes and I ate one of Those too! Damn.
Fast Forward. 6AM the phone rings. It’s the APD, ‘Um Robin? We had a no show this morning, we need you to come in early to try and let the overnight guy go home.’
So now, my four hour shift that is such a rare commodity, turned into a SIX hour shift, and I’m tired, because I stayed up LATE thinking I had all the time in the world.
I HATE when that happens.
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Like this. He’s an artist that shoots videos from the sky looking down. He goes to schools and arranges the kids in certain orders, in a way to make reference to beliefs or geographical information for the particular area. He’s totally amazing, and I love to try and put myself in his head, to feel and think as he does. Here’s a shot of my kids’ school, but check out the rest of his site. It’s just wonderful stuff!
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I was explaining to my kids, that this year, Xmas was going to be ‘lighter’ than usual. Money is tighter, even Santa is having problems! My youngest one’s eyes, sort of teared up. I hugged her and explained that things will be ok, we all have each other, we can make each other gifts and the holiday will still be GREAT! She smiled, hugged me, left the room, and then came back in with this to say. I was dumbfounded at first, but then I quickly regained my senses and asked her if we could record what she said. She’s got a bit of a speech impediment, which makes it even more endearing, but I thought you’d all appreciate it, completely ‘unproduced.’
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I don’t know why I’m so upset about this, but I wanted to tell the story, if indeed it IS one…
I was on the air, and I got a text from my 11 year old saying “Lulu has passed away.” The truth is, I never touched that damn hamster, because it bites! Up unitl last night. Weird. …