I don’t know why I’m so upset about this, but I wanted to tell the story, if indeed it IS one…
I was on the air, and I got a text from my 11 year old saying “Lulu has passed away.” The truth is, I never touched that damn hamster, because it bites! Up unitl last night. Weird. I walked past her cage and she was climging on to the bars so I reached over and started tickling her belly! Haha! My daughter warned me, to be careful, but I thought she was cute, all of a sudden! So I started petting her, and playing with her a bit more.
When I got the text message today, saying she died, it really upset me! I called home, and found out that all the girls and my husband took her to the pet store/vet guy, and he said, she had maybe an hour left to live. That she was in a coma, and he didn’t feel it was necessary to put her to sleep because the end was so near. So now, I’m upset at my daughter, because she told me the thing was DEAD, and it wasn’t! It was COMATOSE! Go figure THAT logic out. So, I got home about 5:30 and I asked when she died, and if they buried her in the back yard with all the OTHER pets, only to find out that this hamster is still holding on.
I went in to see that they had put her on tissue paper in a shoe box. She was very still, on her back, eyes open, and not breathing. I toucher her, and nothing. I was ready to tell them, ‘girls, lets move on here,’ and then the thing opens it’s mouth like it wants water. Oh my God, now I’m screaminig “GET ME A DROPPER!” Sometimes I just turn into that Florence Nightengale of animals! I began to feed her with the dropper, and she really wasn’t doing much of anything but making these, mouth movements. I looked around, and I was left alone with Lulu. The kids had moved on,… and I coudn’t. 🙁
It had been 8 hours since the vet said, she’ll be dead in an hour, and I was feeling like she waited for me. My husband came in, and was watching me, and I said to him, ‘she just deflated!’ She did! One last breath and that was it. I remembered out loud to him, all of our other important pets that had died the same way. They all waited, I fed them all water, and prayed to God to keep them a little longer…
you know the deal. But they’re all buried in the backyard. I still tear when I think about how important their lives were to ours, and then my husband said to me, …” I think you’ve been putting something in their water”, he continued, ” I just thank God I’ve been smart enough to pour my own drinks!”
In memory of Lulu.