So, I have 5 kids. They all bring home 5 friends. Most days I’ve got 10 for dinner, but they all know, when they enter my house, they must leave the word, “like” behind. ‘Like, I don’t want to HEAR it!’ If you think before you talk, then you don’t NEED the word LIKE. It’s only a delayed thought process mechanism. That word gives you time, to think about what you want to say.
Contrary to what us radio people have been taught, ‘dead air’ is OK. If you don’t know the right word, or the correct thought, take a minute, breath, and think. There’s no need for the word, “Like…” Right? And let’s go on for a minute…
Talking in lists has got to STOP. “I went to school? I talked to my friends? I had lunch?” SHUT UP! You might as well be telling me what you bought at the grocery store! I am so not interested in what a “list talker” has to say, that it’s not even funny!