I would! No responsibilities, no peer pressure, no heavy lifting, ‘Magic’ is Magic! Yes… there may be alligators under my bed, and monsters in the closet, but that can’t be worse than the fact that Osama bin Laden is still running free?
While my parents taught me that it’s ‘ok’ to ‘color outside the lines,’ I’d have comfortable boundaries to live within, while my parents would still tell me what to do. Too many choices can become our demise if we chose the wrong one!
I’d be allowed to have a Best Friend! I could ‘pinky swear’ and MEAN it! (I acutally Still DO that, and DO mean it-shhh!) I could be a ‘blood sister’ and not worry about AIDS, and most importantly I’d get to have milk and cookies every night if I was good, without worrying about calories!
The epitome of being 6 again, is that I could go to sleep on Dec 24th, not having shopped, bought, or wrapped a thing, and would be able to wake up the next morning – after trying to stay up to hear Santa and the reindeer- and find presents with MY NAME on them, wrapped in pretty colored papers, to rip open- because there were no gift bags back then!
Is that enough reason to want to be SIX again? If not- here’s more! I WANNA BE SIX AGAIN