I get responses to a lot of my blogs, that start with, “So, Hey! Great site!” The minute I see that, I know it’s Spam!
Why, – if you’re a ‘spam artist,’ would you all start your emails the same way? Obviously you’re lacking in the ART department, if that’s the case?? Makes no sense. If you’re a ‘spammer,’ why not be an ‘outside the Box,’ Spammer! Who’s going to read Spam that’s Ordinary? Creative Spam is like Tagging! Graffitti -that’s Personalized! I’d open that, wouldn’t you? If it’s artistic, it means there’s Passion. Spam can be Passionate if done the right way.
My question is, WHY do a ‘spam email,’ if it’s easily recognizably SPAM! You KNOW no one’s gonna’ read it? What’s the POINT? It can’t even be a ‘Number’s game!’ We’re all Smarter than that! Maybe it just feels good to ramble on… regardless of knowing the outcome. People do it all the time, in coversation? Even when they KNOW the party they’re talking to! So? It’s got to be somewhat of a relief to ‘get it out, and get it off your chest’ to a perfect stranger- knowing that chances are only 1 in a million will read it!
It’s moments like this, that I stumble upon the fact that I may have too much time on my hands… and I start answering Spam emails. Gotta’ love it!
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Cuppa' Jayne, Robin Marshall. Robin Marshall said: The Art of Spamming! – http://robinmarshallvo.com/how-stupid-can-spammers-be […]