I thought it might be the case prior to our moving to the south- but once here, OMG. I might as well have a strip of velcro sewn to both sides of my legs. He is attached at the hip, thigh, knee and calf! I’m ready to scream! I bought him a $10 bone, just to keep him busy! Of course my daughter was with me, and couldn’t get OVER the fact, that I’d spend $10 on HIM, and not $12 on the Shirt she wanted? I told her, “You used to be stuck to me like glue too. I bribed YOU? So now I’m trying to bribe HIM. Leave Me Alone with this!”
Took the bone home, the dog now follows me, bone in mouth, but now he SCRAPES me with the damn bone! If we try and take the bone away? Anxiety becomes ‘fiesty!’
The other dog stepped up. He will actually come to my rescue when he feels me getting aggravated, and nip at “Mr. Anxiety.” That’s a lab for ya’, they ARE your second soul. 🙂
Not only does this dog now follow me and scrape me with the bone, if the bone is NOT in his mouth, he will lick my legs as I walk past! Ewwww! I can’t STAND it!
We got him a year ago, and he never barked. We get here, where there’s wood floors?? All of a sudden this imibicile learns to bark! Can we say, “ECHO?” When I tell you how shrill his bark is, you wouldn’t believe it came OUT of THAT dog. WTF? How many times I’ve asked him to get a REAL bark…
My best recourse is to turn on the vaccuum. I have the cleanest floors in town! Today I considered vaccuuming HIM, but it seems he’s already traumatized, and I’d hate to be the recipient of what that might do!
My kids have always called me ‘the dog whisperer,’ not just dogs,… all animals come up to me, and let me talk to them, even squirrels, rabbits,… I guess I’ve just added a line to my trade, and have become the ‘dog fixerer.’ He thinks I can Fix him? How can I be so in tune with all animals, and have my OWN DOG- not get that I’m losing my mind from him??