I saw my dog eat a Live Locust. I HEARD the thing SCREAMING! I’m scarred for life. I will also have nightmares for SURE. UGH! Here’s some of my good friend’s remarks to this after posting on FB.
“Saw and Heard my cat eat a mouse before!! crunch! crunch!…grosstastic!…My dog plays with crickets! He rolls them around in his mouth and releases them only somewhat the worse for wear!…And yet……sooooo delish…That locust probably had it coming….My cat ate a lizard the other night. I usually rescue reptiles before they are dismantled, but when I heard the “crunch” I knew it was too late…”
I am SO sorry I posted this. I’m doomed. I can’t even LOOK at my dog now. If my daughters’ had seen and heard that? We would have had to hospitalize them for SHOCK. They take after me.
You guys don’t understand! I’m the type that catches bees and puts them outside! I don’t like to kill ANYTHING! I scream bloody murder when I see a spider though…anything with legs totally freaks me out. And things flying near my hair? I need serious valium at that point.