I don’t know about you, but I had a GREAT day today! I spoke with two upper level radio men at KRNB that showed me appreciation, understood my ‘radio integrity’ and respected my years in the inudstry. If everyone would treat each other with …this same respect, our industry would sail through, at least emotionally… without a ripple.
My God… I should have chosen ‘Religion’ as the basis of my profession. My Dad tried to tell me that! ‘Preach, Robin, preach,’ he’d say…
My mom insisted it didn’t matter WHAT I did, as long as I married someone that could FIX things. Obviously, I didn’t listen to EITHER of them?
My mom insisted it didn’t matter WHAT I did, as long as I married someone that could FIX things. Obviously, I didn’t listen to EITHER of them?
Kidding aside,…I’m very serious here. Show faith in those around you, and it will come full circle. It has to. It’s a forward momentum, with a slight curve..
Really nice post,thank you, best website ever