So..I asked my husband to Please, take the towels out of the dryer, I had to go bed. Said,”you don’t have to fold them, just put the wet clothes in the dryer.”He folds the towels. How difficult is it to fold a towel? I had to rub my eyes! Not ONE corner matched with another? I had to refold all towels. You’re talking to a woman that doesn’t even own an IRON, but YES, the corners have to match!Walked him in the laundry room, asked him, ‘notice anything?’ He says,”Yeah! I did a great job on those towels!”
I posted this on FaceBook and here are some of the replies:
*Coming to the defense of men. He did do it though, right(smile)?
*You can lead a man to the laundry room, BUT….. 🙂
obviously doesn’t come from a military family :
*He knows now that you won’t ask him to do it again. So who’s the smart one?
*Give the guy a break. When I was a bachelor I never folded towels. Why would I? It’s not like you can’t dry off with a wrinkled towel.
*Your husband knows where the laundry room is?
*Iron? Now you lost me…..
*My response:
it’s that flat thing with a handle. You have to be careful cause I think it gets hot.
*Now ironing I can do! But you lost me at matching corners.
*Hmmm flat and hot sounds dangerous so I called my mother and asked her what an iron is and she is looking it up for us!
*My response:
Let me know what she says. My mom told me that it was a deficiency.