Just when I feel I’m becoming ‘adjusted.’ It HAPPENS! I’m minding my own business, working in my studio, kids are finally at school, dogs are outside- is this a perfect work environment… or WHAT?!
I’m recording my latest podcast, lost in thought…and then BOOM- I hear a noise! What in the world could make that Thump, when all Thumpers are Out Of the HOUSE??
I slowly turned in my chair, away from my screen, and there was the culprit! Oh My GAWD- are you kidding me??? No- I mean SERIOUSLY. Straight across the room, no more than 8 feet away from me was the biggest Frog I’d ever seen, IN my office, STUCK on the WALL! Just Hanging there! Wha??? The bigger question is, “HOW did he get IN here? and could there possibly be another one IN MY BED!?” How much can one woman TAKE!
What did I do?? I got a cup, put it over the frog- we’re talkin’ a BIG MUG- he Jumped into the cup and I covered him with my hand, ewwww- because I was such a nervous wreck, that I forgot to grab something to cover the top with! Ewwwww he was slimy! I ran outside with him, only to be confronted by the DOGS… so of course I did what came naturally: I threw him over the fence into the neighbor’s yard! I was already traumatized, do you really think I could handle watching my OWN DOGS EATING my house pet?? NOT?
That was the Beginning of my day. Don’t ask.