I’m boxed into a little corner of my house- the only place where ‘space’ is available- my office. Everyone knows, not to touch a thing in this corner! They can skirt around the edges, but that’s as far in as they’re allowed to come!
This is the worst. I’m the type that needs to either be organized IN my head, or organized OUT. I can’t be unorganized in BOTH places…or I’m a Mess. Now- I’m approaching, MESSY!
My Dad, who I’ve been begging Not to come, in fact I bought ONE week- is now INSISTING on coming this Thursday, when we’re about to have our Second House sale, where I’ve actually threatened to sell his COT- and he has threatened to stay at the sleazebag sex hotel down the street, if I do! He’s 84- and he KNOWS the motel charges byt he hour, and he STILL booked it! So I backed off, and promised not to sell his cot, if he promised to cancel the reservation! So he’s coming. He’s going to pull out all the ‘talk show host’ stops he’s got, on all my garage sale customers. Since retiring from KDKA- TRUST ME when I say, he’s got a lotta’ stories saved up!
I’m mentally getting myself ready for the move, and I’ve done all the right things so far, insurance, doctors, CABLE, PEST Control- all that stuff… I’ve even introduced myself to the neighbors, one of which has warned me already, that I must not swear in the South, or longevity will not be ‘my friend!’ She’s from Bkyn, and she lives next door! I asked if I was allowed to say the F curse in front of HER, and she said, “All you want, Girlfriend.”
I’m still on the air, and have yet to be ‘hot-lined’ by Jim(PD) … where everyone else HAS, and I’m actually Upset about that! Only a talent, could let themselves be lured in to an emotional insecurity like that. “He doesn’t Hotline me, because he doesn’t CARE!…WHY doesn’t he Hotline Me, like he does everyone Else?” God forbid I think to myself, “I’m good enough, that I don’t NEED to be Hotlined?” Such a Nut!
This is my mental state. 22 out of the 24 hours a day, I’m picturing the drive…me…3 kids,…2 dogs…I don’t worry about them, I worry about ME! I will give all 5 of them tranquilizers! I don’t travel well! Everyone keeps telling me, “It’s only driving!” Uh-huh. Right. This is why I’m insisting that my 16 year old, videotape our trip. Not the OUTSIDE, I want her to tape what goes on, on the INSIDE of the car while we travel! I believe there’s a reality show in here somewhere…
I mentioned, that I’d overheard our two dogs whispering. One said to the other, “you really think she’s taking YOU? Ha! You SHED!” Well, That dog, gets neutered on Friday. That’ll teach him to whisper.
18 more days on insanity left! Then I get to start all over again!
Thinking. It’s always the same thing. To think is to go insane.
Sent from my iPhone 4G