I’ve been complaining about pretty much… EVERYTHING- since I moved down south, to the point where I’m sick of hearing MYSELF talk about it! It’s Too Hot, Can’t Breath, Taste Salt in my mouth all the time, Tired, Losing weight, Hate the dogs…(oh- that’s not part of the MO, at least not Medically) but after talking with my friends, I’ve come up with what I think is the problem! Before I divulge, I’d like to know WHO’s gonna’ pay a Co-payment to ME? “Dr. Robin?”
Ok, I’ll waive my fee this time, but count yourselves Lucky- in case YOU have similar symptoms!
I had gone in the pool about 10 days ago, which is when All of this started. I went under water, and immediately said to one of the kids, “I shouldn’t have done that. I felt something in my ears.” How I forgot that I felt that? That’s a converation for another day, but I believe I have an inner ear infection! I need an antibiotic! That’s what this is all about. I remember when my eldest was a toddler, she used to get these massive ear infections, but the saving grace was, she never felt the pain. I believe I was like that too, as a kid, and probably still am as an adult.
Could also be, I’m just wanting a quick answer! The salty taste is enough to drive you crazy, and to STILL have the dogs LICKING my legs every time I walk by, is enough to make me grab the pepper, to go along with the salt that’s obviously coating my legs! That’ll teach em’!
I’m thinking of hanging a shingle outside that says, “Dr. Marshall’s Office.” I AM in the south now, I could probably get away with this , … couldn’t I?