If you are in Radio, send me your very first on the air radio gig experience to Robin.MarshallsOffice@gmail.com! Calls and all! I’d also like your WORST radio gig experience, with calls. That moment that has given us all nightmares! Please include where you are today, whether you’re in radio or not.
We all need to share! What great fun to read each others’ blessings and disasters! I started this group page on FB called “Disc Jockey’s Nightmare,” and have had such great response from it, that I decided to follow through on this. If you know me at all, you know I’m the, “FOLLOW THROUGH GIRL.” This will get published.
I’m just completing my first book, called “25 years on the air in NYC… and nobody knows my Name!” (Thank you Scott Shannon– an ‘insider’)
I’m just working out what I CAN say… and what I CAN’T! I think it’s called ‘editing.’ 🙂
I’m about to be free to lay this second book out. Whatever you write, will go to press. Be mindful of that, but ‘let it roll’! I look so forward to hearing your stories, as will everyone else!

Robin Marshall