To Tell the Truth.
I was thinking… in our corporate worlds, which include, business and politics, I’ve always thought it best to tell the truth in any situation. Truth is something most would rather have. To be lied to, and then to find out after the fact, makes us feel foolish and betrayed.
I think I need to revise my thoughts, and here’s why. I’m not sure any more, that most can HANDLE the truth. In this day and age, people have been through so many wringers, that they can’t take any more, ‘truths.’ If there’s bad news, this is the time to keep it to yourself if possible. Give people a chance to recover, before they get hit over the head again.
Political and Religious leaders, should without a doubt tell the truth at anyone’s expense. It’s their duty. The rest of us need to ‘hold our tongues’ when needed. It’s an ‘art’ to be able to spare each other’s feelings, and still offer truth. It’s called being NICE.
Something’s Not Right!
Did you ever have something happen to you, that was so damn hurtful, that you just ‘put it away’ and tried to move on without it? I’ve put this one away since the Black Out in Aug of 2003. Here it comes…. Damn it!
My girlfriend was getting married for the second time. She was one of my best friends…and I was her maid of honor. My husband and I were having tough financial times, and she had let it slip what her wedding song was going to be, and how much she loved the lyrics to Taking me Home, by Don Henley. I decided to use the Karaoke version, which is the same music, and harmonies, and I borrowed a favor, from a guy that I’ve done voice work for for free at times, and I went in and recorded this song for her. I thought it would be a great gift, in lieu of the fact that we couldn’t afford much, and I WAS a professional singer… It came out great! I was pretty damned impressed with myself! LOL! I didn’t know if she’d swap out Don Henleys’ version for her wedding dance, but I’d hoped that later on in the evening she might play it, and let everyone get up and dance to it as well.
She thanked me for it, and never mentioned it again. Never played it, and that was that. Maybe that’s why the BLACK OUT happened on her wedding day?? Karma?? (JK)
It hurts when you put your heart and soul into something like that, and don’t even get a nod. Pretty much like what we’re going through in our radio careers right now, right?
Just know, I feel your pain,… as I’m sure you feel/felt mine. My mom would say, “It builds Character.”
Here’s a sample of the song, just to keep myself honest.
Let’s talk about OPTIONS. You see that little Icon in your Facebook profile post section? That is not an Option.
John Tesh and my Dad
As long as I’ve been pushing my Jayne FM Brand, which is about 5 years now, my Dad continues to say one thing to me, and that is, “WHY can’t you just be like JOHN TESH? He’s got HUNDREDS of stations! Why don’t YOU? And I LIKE John TESH!”
How do you answer that question, to someone that was a talk show host for 25 years on KDKA, a Top 40 DJ at WEEP, and others for another 20 years, and is now 84 years old? If you’re from Pittsburgh, you’d recognize his name. He was on the air as Perry Marshall… but you’d think he of all people would GET IT. So I have to patiently anwer and say, “Dad? These things take time!” Of course his next question is, “Yeah… but are ya makin’ any money at this Jayne thing?” This is now where I begin to look for that little noose to hang myself, … you know the deal… but here comes the good part. Ready?
My buddy is the main guy with John Tesh, he’s the one that grabs all the stations up, and he IM’s me while he’s on tour, with John, saying he’s in Pittsburgh, my home town. I say to him, “OH! Let me ask my Dad if he wants to go to John’s show! He’d be thrilled!” My buddy of course says, “No problem, let him know, he’ll get him good seats.”
I call my Dad, excited to tell him, I say, “DAD!!! Guess what! John Tesh is performing in town and I can get you tix!” He says, “What do you mean he’s performing? What does he do?” Picture the silence. DEAD AIR, as I’m thinking to myself, “this man has been hahkin’ me to be more like John Tesh for six years, and now he says, ‘what does he do’???'”
I said, “Dad? He plays the piano,… sings…? He said, “He does? Well, I can just turn on the radio to hear him, so I don’t see why I have to leave my house to hear him.”
THIS is what I had to go back to my buddy with. The buddy that I bragged to about how much my Dad loves John. Ugh!